June 7, 2018

Number of attendees: 24

  1. Mike opened the meeting at 7:26 PM.
  2. New Folks
    1. Joe Ligardy – furniture
    2. Tom Kazer – 35 years of woodworking as an amateur
    3. Dusty – 10 years making furniture
    4. Sam – beginner, hoping to become artistic
    5. Ray – long time woodworker, retired remodeling contractor
    6. Jeff – boat builder, worked around the world
    7. Rick – old time, still fairly new woodworker
  3. Jeff Halden (Maple shade NJ)
    1. Started playing with chainsaws & loved it
    2. Got a Wood-Mizer chainsaw mill
    3. Got a lot of maple and red oak all the time
    4. Can do up to 34” wide, 20ft long, any depth
    5. Can go to folks houses and cut down their trees
    6. Also has a portable kiln he is starting to use
  4. David – principal of EM studio (small furniture company)
    1. Everything is designed & made by him
    2. Works with wood, but identifies as a designer more (wood is one of his media, like metal)
    3. Went through his design process – understanding how it will be used
    4. Also talks about details and how they make the design special
    5. Used practice, iteration, and improvement each time to make the design correct
    6. Takeaway – find a way to practice, learn the steps to work on making things better each time
    7. Most important thing is to love what you are doing and do not be afraid of the next thing you are doing
  5. Dave Potts (treasurer) talked about membership and money
    1. Working on email distribution, need to update the list
    2. $2,444.17 in the treasury
    3. We haven’t paid for the trees or defibrillator yet.
    4. Members on roll: 28 paid members
  6. Phil discussed his life in building bowls
    1. Friend passed away, and his widow gave his friends a large amount of bowl blanks
    2. Committed to the widow of his friend that they would make some beautiful bowls
  7. Jeff came to talk about boat building
    1. Working with wood since he was a teenager (carving walking sticks, etc.)
    2. Had 1500 square feet shop he had to liquidate, due to moving
    3. Got a job in Sydney building boats (everything’s curved templates, etc?)
    4. Talked about making a hollow mast, in order to reduce waste
    5. Walked folks through the jigs that he used to create it – very simple
    6. Used a shipping tube with some sanding paper on it to sand the mast shape
    7. Talked about sails (Junk sails, etc.)
  8. Mark had a couple of announcements
    1. Talked about Ponzio’s dinner (good beer, good times)
    2. Also talked about 18th century beer seminar in Colonial Williamsburg in November
  9. Next Meeting on Thursday, July 12th, as the result of a vote to postpone it by a week because of the July 4 holiday. Mark will be showing how to use the “spider” to sharpen large hand saws
  10. The meeting concluded at 9:20 PM.