July 11, 2024

Attendees: 18


  1. Welcome (President) – 1Min

    1. Started meeting at 6:05

  2. Treasurer (Brad) – 7 Min

    1. Membership at 54 members

    2. 5 new people last month, 1 this month

    3. Funds around $3,400

  3. New Members (Give us your name, home town, woodworking interests, questions/challenges, and what are they looking for? – 10 Min

    1. Bob Middleton

    2. Hobbyist woodworker

    3. Palmyra

  4. Old Business – 5 Min

  5. Winterthur

    1. Went to Wintherthur several months ago

    2. Mark suggested giving $100 to them as a gift for their work

    3. Vote was 15 for, no against

    4. They are graduate school for U of Delaware for furniture preservation

  6. Members Forum – 20 Min

    • Asking for help on barrier Project

      1. Countertop is bowed

      2. Didn’t finish back side, so it may have finished cupping

      3. Tried wetting it and leaving it in the sun and it will flatten

      4. Suggestion was to take off finish and edges, then leave in sun with weights on top to flatten. Should slowly flatten off

      5. After flattening it, you may run it through wide belt sander to help cut it out

      6. Could also put battens on it at 90 degree angle to help keep it from bowing

      7. For next one, you could put a breadboard end on it. Search on YouTube for “breadboard” end

    • 4x4x8ft beams, pressure treated are bowed. Any fix?

      1. Not really. The pressure treated lumber bows all over the place

  7. Presentation 2: Mark on Gottshall Block

    1. Project to work on your hand tool skills

    2. https://alliedwoodshop.com/blogs/blog/quarantine-woodshop-gottshall-block

    3. 3” x 7” x ¾” thick

    4. Use hand tools to make changes to block

    5. Mortis, dado, tenon, etc. on block

    6. Perfect project to help you improve your hand tool skills

    7. YouTube presenter goes through how to do this

    8. Salman will put up on website, with link to YouTube Video

  8. Oct meeting Gottshall challenge, mallet and chisel

    1. Video on how to make/work on: Making a Gottshall Block ASMR ish

    2. Video on how to make it with hand tools: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHE03q9Pfd8