Welcome at 7:05 PM
a. Mark showed off the guild sign that Steve made with Lou Salto’s help
b. Steve talked about sign 2.0 (first sign used Jim’s wood which wasn’t seasoned enough, so it had to be redone). Glued up, brought it to Lou Salto, sanded it, then Greg did CNC work, Steve painted it, then put on Osmo to seal it up
c. Dominic from Rockler will put it up on the wall
2. Attendees: 27
3. New Members
a. Four new paid members tonight. Need to make sure they get on the email list
b. Jeff Nichols (Haddon township) getting into woodworking last few months
i. New passion, new house
ii. Just got married a few months ago
iii. Eastern Pine wedding arch
c. Bob (Southampton)
i. Into cutting boards, charcuterie boards,
ii. Looking for classes at Rockler
4. Old Business
a. None at this time
5. Members Forum
a. Nothing to bring up at this time
6. Dust Collection – Rockler
a. Handed out pamplets showing dust collection, air scrubbers, piping, etc
b. Number 1 defense is a dust mask with good filters
c. Powermatic dust collector
i. Dust collector picks up the larger dust particles and some of the small particles.
ii. Some vac systems (like Festool) can have HEPA filters, which get down even smaller micron particles
iii. Part of whole system (mask, dust collector, air scrubber)
d. Air scrubbers, typically hang from ceiling.
i. Purpose of air scrubber is to get rid of the smaller particles “floating” in your shop. Often used when you leave the shop to get rid of dust, so when you return after 30+ minutes (ex. To apply finish) the dust is out of the air
ii. He turns it on all the time, whenever you are in the shop
iii. Good for fine dust, the stuff that gets deep into your lungs
iv. Remote control, six speeds
v. 110V, Needs 15 Amp circuit
vi. 51-67 decibels of sound (pretty quiet)
e. Trend dust helmet (100% coverage, hose comes in from back with clean air) –
i. Goes to 0.6 mirons
ii. 98% efficiency
iii. $399
7. Dust Collection: Medical (Mike)
a. Originally worked in the field of respiratory therapist, eventually becoming the head
b. A workplace woodworking area is a lot more extensive. Hobby woodworkers systems are mostly sub-par
c. PowerPoint presentation (sent to the guild membership afterward)
i. Discussion of lung layout (air valves, nodules, etc.) and how oxygen gets transferred to the blood to go to the rest of the body
ii. Went through various effects of sawdust (dermatitis, lung inflammation, eyes, etc.)
iii. Sanding, sawing, etc. The dust is just going to billow around you. Point-of-impact dust collection can do a lot, but won’t get everything
iv. Should always were a mask when using machines – dust collection and air scrubbers don’t do it
v. M95 mask only as good as a surgical mask. Not good against microscopic dust
vi. Mask only as good as the fit around you skin
vii. Full face respirator with cartridges more useful. Different cartridges can be used for vapor, for dust, etc.
viii. Points to take away – always were mask as 2nd layer of protection
8. Break
9. Demo – low Priced tours
a. Harbor Freight – quality can be questionable, but they are getting better. Good for supplies
i. Markers & lumber crayons
ii. Sanding belts
iii. Multi blades
iv. Gloves
v. Chip brushes
vi. F-style clamps
b. Dollar Store
i. Silicon brushes
ii. Rubber mallet
c. Joanne’s fabric
i. Vinyl table cloth to cover workbench when finishing
10. New Business
a. Winterthur Trip to visit Jennie Alexander’s chair presentation
b. Riven out of green wood, put together without glue
c. Jennie left all her library and writings to Winterthur. Collection has been digitized so you can access it online
d. Docent has agreed to have our guild down for a special tour, including the Dominy shop as well
e. Mark will follow up with Winterthur for potential dates
11. Meeting Close at 8:52 PM