Number of Attendees: 18
This was the first event at the new Rockler store in Moorestown NJ (1165 Nixon Dr, Moorestown, NJ 08057)
Chris is the Manager for the store and started off the meeting
Welcomed the guild and hopes that we can work together in the years ahead
Guild members gets 10% discount on in-store purchases
Open for guild to meet at Rockler every month
Guild can put up sign for the guild with contact information
The official grand opening of store is Saturday, July 9th – with events going on for the next two (2) weeks
Mark took over the meeting and discussed potential events over the next several months
Sawmill owner tour of property and lumber
Aspen Golden in October (North Bennet graduate, worked at Williamsburg, artist in residence at Winterthur)
Looking for additional speakers and subjects
Tool Auction began.
Guild purchased tools from a retiring woodworker and sold those
Other guild members sold a variety of objects
Some items were given out on the free table
Rockler provided a variety of items to be given out in a lottery
Salman managed to not purchase over $100 of merchandise that Mark gave out
Guild collected over $153 for the auction. Great job!
Next guild meeting scheduled for 7 PM on Thursday, Aug 4, at the Rockler store
Mark closed the meeting at 9:05 PM